Texas Senior Care and Housing Directory
Texas Senior Care and Housing Directory

55+ Active Adult Apartments

Active Adult Apartment Living 55+ in Texas

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Active Adult Living is a new housing concept that allows those that are 55+ to live in community with each other and share in similar life-cycles. It is an apartment community filled with laughs and opportunities to engage in daily activities and fellowship.

Active adult communities aren't much different than any other residential community, aside from their age requirements, but most are designed with a retirement-friendly, low-maintenance lifestyle in mind. Often, this type of 55 and over community will be built near shopping, restaurants, parks, and other attractions, since residents are still eager to live an active lifestyle into their retirement years.

 Typically included are recreational facilities and activity programming by professional staff, social activities, grounds maintenance, and home maintenance (but not housekeeping). These are rental properties, and can be quite affordable.

Benefits of Active Adult Apartments

Low or no maintenance

This is possibly the top selling point for people who choose an active adult community. After years of mowing, snow-blowing, raking, and painting, ditching exterior maintenance is very appealing! Many residents are downsizing from the home they raised their family in, and the smaller interior square-footage to keep clean is attractive as well.

Opportunities to make friends with other retirees

When you move someplace new, there's something to be said for having a conveniently located group of potential friends. In active adult communities, residents are all pretty much in the same place in life, having worked hard for many years, raised a family, and now looking to enjoy a relaxed retirement, so it is easy to find people with whom you have much in common and wonderful friendships can result.

A quiet, mostly kid-free environment

While adult children and grandchildren are of course welcome to visit, the 55+ age requirement for residents means that active adult communities are usually nice, quiet places to live. Younger visitors are usually encouraged to be considerate of this expectation.seniors swimming


An active adult community will provide you with many opportunities to get exercise, socialize, and stay spry into your retirement years. In addition to the aforementioned amenities like pools and fitness centers, these communities' residents will often organize social events, affinity clubs, volunteer groups, and other ways to stay active and involved.

Move while you're healthy

It's stressful for a senior who is experiencing changes in their mental and physical health to sell their home and move to assisted living. The burden of the sale of your home may fall on your children, who feel stressed to accept an offer so you can move. Take Control of Your Future. Put in the research ahead of time, an you re likely to get the information you need to make the right choice for you.

In Conclusion

These are communities that offer relatively maintenance-free independent living residences to those age 55 and over. Know your budget. Ask what's included in the monthly fees, and if there are any add-on costs. The more amenities there are, the higher the fees may be.

Visit several communities in your area.Compare residences and amenities, but also compare programs, classes and the general culture. Do you feel like you'll fit in, feel at home and have plenty to do?

If active adult community living sounds like something you want to look into, you can start searching here to see if there's one near you.

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